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We've MET since 1976

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Contact Us

MET Show & Sale
Saturday, October 19, 2024

History of MET

Mailing List

Minis FAQs
Welcome to 2024

We're now getting ready for our 2024 Show - coming Saturday, October 19

Remember, our regular meetings are 7 o'clock at
Memorial Hall, North York Centre

We have some great workshops scheduled for 2024.

We have only one meeting each in July and August
July 15: Claire & Judy's workshop, making kids' gifts for the show.
August 12: Making an orchid with Karl

About Our Club

The Miniature Enthusiasts of Toronto have been meeting for over 40 years, enjoying club projects and regular (and irregular) workshops, learning from each other and having fun together

We are always happy to welcome new members to participate in this crazy, fascinating hobby


Dues are $30 a year, payable in January

Members are entitled to participate in workshops and the yearly club project, attend the Holiday Party and receive the monthly newsletter

We ask each member to contribute five hours of participation in the annual Show and Sale

Visit us on




click on logos for details
OMEGA Presents
The Minis BAZAAR

Sunday, September 22, 2024
12 noon to 3 pm
Check it out here

Camp Mini Ha Ha 2024

September 25th - 30th, 2024

Debert, Nova Scotia
click here for details

Ontario Miniatures Gathering 2025


April, 2025
Brantford, Ontario

Visit our Gallery of Past MET Events

The lovely wallpaper is MET House based on Our House by Gasp365.